The Total Eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024 will be a generational event across the US that we won't see again for the next 20 years. Eclipse Over America is committed to helping as many people as possible experience this spectacular natural phenomenon. A big thanks is due to our customers who have asked us questions about the event and our products, and we have compiled the answers to those questions here:
Are your glasses safe?
Yes! All of our solar viewing glasses are made in the United States with an optical density of 5 or greater (blocking 99.999% of light). Our glasses are ISO 12312-2 compliant, CE certified, and independently tested and safe for direct solar viewing. Eclipse Over America is listed as a Safe Supplier on the American Astronomical Society website.When/where is the next eclipse?
The next eclipse that happens over the US will be on Monday, April 8, 2024. This Total Eclipse will cross land first over Mazatlan, Mexico and then continue northeast into the US through Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, and then into Canada.After this there will be:
An Annular Eclipse that passes over Alaska on June 21, 2039. The next Annular eclipse to pass over the lower 48 US states will be on February 5, 2046. The next Total Eclipse on August 23, 2044 will pass over Montana and the Dakotas. The next Total Eclipse that passes over a large swath of the US on August 12, 2045 traces a path just south to that of the 2017 eclipse from California to Florida.
When is it safe to look at the sun without the glasses?
The only time it is safe to look directly at the sun without protective eyewear is during a total eclipse at the time of totality and only in the path of totality. Even an eclipse where 99% of the Sun is blocked is not safe to view with your bare eyes.